Saturday, September 15, 2007

Grandkids at the Park

My kids paired up with my sister's kids to pose for photos for Christmas. It's always great to keep these kind of photos updated because the kids change so fast! I also caught a quick photo of my niece's baby. Although she wasn't quite sure about how the grass felt on her hands.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Our First Pet Shoot!

Wow! This one was definitely a challenge. Two hyper labs that only wanted to play at the park! It was kind of a crazy shoot but I was able to capture a few good ones.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

'J' Turns Four

Here's a couple of quick photos that I took the morning of 'J's' fourth birthday. We had beautiful light and I found that if I catch her first thing in the morning that she's much more cooperative (well... except for that growling photo)!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

First Photo Shoot!

These are our kids and trial subjects. I'll call them "R" and "J" and you'll see them many more times as I experiment with different kinds of shoots. "R" was a much more willing participant in our shoot and extremely photogenic and poseable. "J" showed her wonderful personality and beautiful baby blues. Gotta love the attitude!